Wine media in China: Decanter adds Li Demei, Ch’ng Poh Tiong, Jane Anson as columnists

li demei jane anson ch'ng poh tiong decanter china screen grab

By Jim Boyce

Decanter China has added three columnists to the website it launched last September. (Note: To those hoping for a print edition of the magazine for China, don’t hold your breath: publisher Sarah Kemp recently told me the company will stick to online for now.) The columnists:

  • Beijing-based Li Demei, who consulted on the Helan Qing Xue wine from Ningxia that won an ‘international trophy‘ at the magazine’s awards in 2009. His latest consulting gig: Wangzhong winery in Xinjiang. He’ll write a column called “Demei’s View“.
  • Singapore-based Ch’ng Poh Tiong, a long-time contributor to the magazine and vice-chair of its first Asia Wine Awards in 2012. His column will look at China’s history and wine.
  • Jane Anson, the magazine’s Bordeaux writer, who will provide “an insider’s guide to the latest happenings inside and around Bordeaux.”

The announcement also vaguely noted that, “The launch of DecanterChina’s columnists also coincides with the enrolment of a number of new correspondents stationed in major cities across China.”

More details here.

The past two years have seen a substantial influx of wine media, educators, consultants and marketing firms in China– everything from Wine Enthusiast launching a local edition to Wine Intelligence setting up shop in Beijing to word there are at least four upcoming books on the topic of wine and China.

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