Yantai International Wine Exposition 2012: Nine photos from China

That poster says to me, “Discover your inner Grand Dragon”.

By Jim Boyce

A few months ago, I went to the Yantai International Wine Exposition in Shandong province but managed only one post, a post about an opening ceremony that shifted in seconds from mind-numbing to rip-roaring — think colorful explosions, whirring flags, raining bits of shiny paper and multiple dance performances. Or see: In with a very loud bang.

So, here are nine more photos from those days in Shandong, which ranks as China’s top region for wine production, at least in terms of quantity. Unfortunately, I took them with the rather limited camera phone I had at the time, but such is life. I also have a few more posts coming about Yantai…

Changyu could fit an entire fair in its exhibition space.
A view of Yantai’s ocean coast from a restaurant.

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