Some wine events in Beijing offer such good value that they qualify as “must go“. These include the annual Hilton Food and Wine Experience, which is now in its thirteenth year and includes more than one hundred tables of wine and food samples as well as tutorials and a buffet, all for RMB230. See the poster below for more details.
Like any event, this one has its critics, and it sounds like the Hilton listened. Criticism: The event was too crowded. Response: Amos says the tables will go further into the ballroom this year to provide extra space. Criticism: There were not enough food samples. Response: Amos says there will be more, including from Hilton Beijing’s One East restaurant, Hilton Wangfujing’s Fizztastic brunch, and Hilton Capital Airport’s Chinese restaurant.
I know of no other event in Beijing where you can sample this many wines and grab some food for this kind of price. Because retail prices for imported wines in Beijing are high, due mostly to the 48 percent of tariffs and duties, I use this event to ‘try before I buy‘ and help decide what to put in my shopping cart or to recommend to other people in the coming year.
Finally, if you want a few giggles, check out the Celebrity Wine Contest held on my nightlife blog: Entries included Chairman Maolot, Quentin Vermintino, Axel Rose, Sangiovese Bullock, Benicio Del Sangre de Toro, Tiger Woodsbridge, Osamarsanne bin Laden, Shaqteau O’Neal, Riesling Witherspoon, and many more.
See also:
2006: The year I tasted 52 wines and lost my cell phone
2007: The year I attended a seminar with Jeremy Oliver and later accidentally broke a bottle of Shiraz on the Hilton’s marble staircase
2008: The year Yiftach Bar described a Louis Latour Chardonnay as a ‘white wine with balls.’
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